16 December, 2010

Race 35, The Hamptons

Back in july we raced The Hamptons again, no carts ended up in a tree this time and a decent turn-out enjoyed a fine morning's racing.

Meet Spacy (above), new resident on the bonnet of Chariot of the Dogs. Despite some ferocious potholes, he was still there at the end of the morning.

Yes madam, 'tis the Ace - take your place at the start of the race.

Hmm, now which one will I use today? That's a truckload of terror...

Cameras on - there's a film to be made...

These new-fangled "lipstick" cameras are catching on nowadays, especially good for doubling up as door handles.

Go get 'em, Spacy...

Everyone's made it down - now the arguing over finishing positions can begin.

Treat it with care, you'll need it again next month...

Official results:
  1. Obsession
  2. Chariot of the Dogs
  3. This-a-Way
  4. High Roller
  5. Paddles
Thanks crew, lonely job but much appreciated! Check the movie here!

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